There are fifty full-colour covers to Railway Wonders of the World, some of which were also used as colour plates. This page subdivides the fifty covers into more topical groups, each of which has its own slide-show.
Most of the covers (36 in all) cover British steam locomotives; the remainder cover Non-European countries (7), Europe (4), with three miscellaneous topics (steam engine wheels, a signal gantry and a composite cover for the final issue).
Out of the “Big Four”, 13 covers illustrated LNER locomotives, 10 covers illustrated LMS locomotives, 8 covers illustrated SR locomotives, and only five covers illustrated GWR locomotives. The latter total seems a little odd when it is remembered that Railway Wonders of the Worldappeared in the centenary year of the GWR.
The covers are therefore grouped below. Click on the hyperlink or the cover to view a slide-show of that group of covers.
The Covers of Railway Wonders of the World
There are thirteen covers illustrating locomotives of the LNER:
There are four covers illustrating European locomotives, including one of a cable car. In addition there are three covers illustrating miscellaneous themes: locomotive wheels, a SR signal gantry, and a composite design used for the final issue.