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The back pages, but sometimes the inside covers, of Railway Wonders of the World were used to advertise the series and other publications by the Amalgamated Press. This page shows some of these advertisements, unfortunately lost with the bound volumes of Railway Wonders of the World.

Advertisements & Railway Wonders of the World

The earliest advertisement I have seen is a “flyer” promoting the publication of Railway Wonders of the World. It was probably widely available through newsagents and booksellers to promote sales and must have appeared just before or upon the publication of part 1 in late January or early February 1935. The flyer is smaller than the actual magazine, measuring just 8¼ in by 6 in. The front reproduces the cover of part 1 in full-colour, whereas the reverse is largely text promoting the series, although it includes line drawings of the Rocket and the Union Pacific streamlined express, although only the latter features in part 1.

The colour front of the flyer is shown right. It is virtually indistinguishable from the magazine except by size and the fact it is printed on cheap paper.

Reproduced below is the reverse of this sheet.

Flyer promoting the publication of railway wonders of the worldreverse of the flyer promoting the publication of railway wonders of the world

Subsequent issues promoted the binding cases being offered to subscribers. These advertisements are not shown here but on the page describing the binding styles available.

However an interesting advertisement appeared inside the front cover of part 10 which was aimed at readers who may have missed some of the first issues.

The parts are not arranged in numerical order clockwise. Instead parts 1-4 appear on the left, with parts 5-9 reproduced from top to bottom on the right.

advertisement from part 10 for parts 1 to 9 railway wonders of the world